Companies today need an entirely different kind of marketer and partnership when it comes to rapidly-evolving communications. It isn’t enough for brands to just show up — they have to show up at the right time, with the right message, to the right audience.
At Jen Boyles Digital, we understand this evasive intersection between brand and consumer needs. We get right to the heart of any brand challenges with uncanny precision to form the most efficient and effective plan.
Our services are designed to make immediate impact so brands and agencies can remain competitive.
JBD specializes in prescriptive audits and strategies, content strategy and production, crisis communications, and brand voice and identity. Our pioneering Content Lab offering has helped more than a dozen brands transform their social communities.
JBD's clients run the gamut. We’ve helped Fortune-500 franchises manage their content enterprises. We’ve assisted agencies with new approaches to social media for their clients. And we’ve even created a communication strategy for a pop culture icon. We're a bit rock-and-roll and do things differently -- not only out of necessity but because it's in our DNA.