The content lab is an always-on approach to social that yields frequent, quick-turn brand content just for you.


The Content Lab is where we put our formulas to work. We're not a factory where we churn out pieces of content to reach quota. Instead, we're a lab, where our content specialists take the time to research your brand, determine a successful method for content delivery, and deliver results time and time again. It's part of our overall content strategy process — the extra mile if you will, where we put all of what we've learned and execute it to perfection.

We take into account:

  • The "why" behind your content 

  • What your competitors are doing + what they're missing 

  • Your specific niche and target audience 

  • What types of content work best for your buyer personas 

  • Which tone hits the mark with your brand

  • How frequently you need content 

  • Where your content should live (which social media channels) 

Once content is created, we measure Content Lab success using social media data and analytics to inform our future efforts.  Then, we move on to the next round and the cycle continues.

We’re big on analogies at JBD, so here’s one for you: Social media is like Las Vegas, and each piece of content a bet. You don’t put two weeks of thought into one hand of blackjack. Instead, you up your chances of winning by making the right decisions in the moment based off your environment and the odds, and move on to the next bet. Nimble is the name of the game.


The Content Lab by JBD gives brands the power to push out handcrafted content with just the right amount of polish to keep your investment in check. Whether you're looking to boost engagement, clean up your social media aesthetic, or pivot your brand's tone — we can help. 


Our Work


Here's some of the work we've done to help brands push their social media presence to new levels through the Content Lab. We’ll work with you to create quick-turn and frequent content that fits your brand’s story and vision --- and you can bet on that!

⬆️ 50%

positive brand sentiment over 6 months

⬆️ 40%

increase in engagement rate in 2 months

⬆️ 200%

increase in social engagement YOY

⬆️ 20%

Instagram followers in one month

What You Can Expect

As strategists AND content specialists, we fine-tune your brand's social media efforts to maximize results. It’s this specialization that makes our Content Lab so unique. Working in two-month increments, the CL process ensures it doesn’t feel like you’re reinventing the wheel with every round. Targeted, informed, repeatable.


What Can We Create?

Your social media channels require constant attention and continuous content creation to gain a following, fuel engagement and ultimately reap success. That's why we built the Content Lab, to give brands a reliable service to craft attractive content that their consumers will find valuable, and that collectively begins to positively evolve brand perception.

We can help with: 

  1. Aesthetic images that highlight your product or service 

  2. Video content - from humor to inspiration 

  3. Giveaways to lasso in the stragglers who may need additional motivation 

  4. Engaging copywriting to keep readers informed and intrigued 

  5. Branded articles, features, and blogs to educate, entertain and encourage 

If you're wondering if we can create the content you need, reach out! We'd love to chat and develop a plan to help you boost your social media followers, engagement, and presence.