Creating Powerful Vision Statements for Your Brand (Tips and Advice)
A brand vision statement seems like such posh Millenial nomenclature, but it's an important piece of the success puzzle for brands in the modern ecosystem. It's a guiding force, a navigational tool, a grounding rallying cry that can propel your team towards its goals.
Vision Statement vs. Mission Statement
Vision statements often get confused with mission statements, but these two important documents play very different roles within a brand.
Mission statements speak about what a company is about at the present moment.
A vision statement is all about the future and is a roadmap for reaching particular goals.
While mission statements should come from management or the founders, vision statements can be a collaborative effort that comes to fruition with the entire team or organization's help. As mentioned, vision statements help guide a company's future, which means buy-in from the entire company is essential to reaching success. So, the more ideas, collaboration, and teamwork utilized during the creation process — the better. Whether it's B2B or B2C branding, vision statements are universal in their importance for a successful future.
Diving Deeper Into Vision Statements
As a guiding document, vision statements bridge the gap between a brand's philosophy, values, and objectives. You'll hear us use the word roadmap throughout this article because it's the perfect way to describe how a vision statement can help a brand navigate its market. Connecting company values and your brand is often a first step in creating the perfect vision statement.
Vision statements can be dynamic and don't necessarily need to be cemented as finite. While the core or foundational aspects of a vision statement should remain consistent, certain aspects are malleable and can be adjusted, reviewed, or pivoted to reflect a company's future better.
There's no standard length for vision statements either. They are a unique document that pertains to your specific brand.
If you're able to encapsulate everything that needs to be said in one sentence, that's great.
If a paragraph better fits the future narrative of a company, that's spectacular.
If you need an entire page to guide your brand towards its goals better, that's fine too.
There's no one size fits all vision statement guideline. With that being said, vision statements typically get referenced in a wide range of brand documents — so sometimes, a more concise statement is easier to utilize.
The Ins and Outs of Your Roadmap
While the term "vision statement" seems almost whimsical, it's a living document that plays an important role in guiding future innovation, hiring practices, and more.
Yes, the details and day to day practices of a brand are essential to success. However, companies often lose track of the broader picture and strategic map that will breed long-term success and growth.
These statements are unique and should set your brand apart from the competition. It should set the tone and clearly define goals that inspire your organization to put forth the effort needed to reach those objectives.
Vision statements not only guide your organization but also motivate your team. Similarly, it's a great way to ensure your attracting the right talent with the right mindset, bringing in team members who will be assets for success down the road.
How to Write the Perfect Vision Statement
You can probably find vision statement templates or vision statement generators with just a few Google searches. While these can be great for springboarding ideas or getting the ball rolling, we wouldn't rely on them for a finished product.
Here are some quick tips for your team when writing a vision statement:
Be clear with your messaging. Clarity is crucial in your vision statement as it's not a document for scatterbrained ideologies.
Don't be "fluffy" with your vision statement. This is an important document that should be easy to digest with just one read-through.
Be inspirational, ensuring that the vision statement motivates your team to achieve said goals.
Challenge your team by setting lofty yet realistic goals. This is not the place to softball objectives to your team.
Your vision statement should rely on a designated time in the future where you will reach your goals. If you end up achieving those goals, you can always modify your statement for new heights.
5 Great Vision Statement Examples
Here are some examples of vision statements used by some of the world's most successful and renowned brands.
To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative technologies that make ours the world's premier entertainment company. — Disney
A computer on every desk and in every home. — Microsoft
Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. — LinkedIn
To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. — Nike
To be the best way to pay and be paid, for everyone, everywhere. — Visa
Making Your Statement a Reality
Creating a vision statement takes time and collaboration; it's not something you can cook up alone and expect everyone to rally behind. So, set apart some time to craft the perfect vision statement with the help of your team using some of our tips and tricks. Your customer experience and branding should be closely related — helping inform your vision statement's long term strategy.
Once you have your finished product, it's time to get to work. While a vision statement offers some navigation and motivation, you'll still need a wide range of strategic plans to achieve your goals.